Sennheiser HSL10 BW900 Handset Lifter
Sennheiser HSL10 BW900 Handset lifter
- HSL 10, lets you remotely answer and end a desktop phone call with your BW900,DW Office, DW Office ML, DW Office Phone, DW Pro 1, DW Pro 1 ML, DW Pro 1 Phone, DW Pro 2, DW Pro 2 ML, DW Pro 2 Phone, SD Office, SD Office ML, SD Pro 1, SD Pro 1
- Handset lifter can be trained to recognize two different ring tones- for ex, one tone for internal and external calls
- Intelligent gadget then passes the ring signal to your wireless system to inform you of the incoming call
- HSL 10 with mounting strips and extender arm
- Dual ring tone detection
- Height adjustment for customization to phone handset
- Ring detection mic can be repositioned for customization to phone make/model
- All necessary components included